Voila! Unblocked & ready to re-start learning French again
Had a fantastic first Neuro Language Try-Out session with Gail an hour ago to see if she could help me get a handle on how to address the difficulties I have been having on my journey to learning French. Wow!! - Just about sums it up. Within in a hour I now understand what has gone wrong by finally knowing what my preferred learning style, focus for learning for my life, motivation for learning French is amongst other things. I have a clear plan and feel totally unblocked and can't wait to start the journey - finally a journey that is now tailored to me, how my brain works, my needs and what I want to learn. Yeah, I actually feel excited about it now!! Also, Gail is a fountain of knowledge on linguistics just to add a cerise on top.
11. Februar 2022 | karenvandersen