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luftfracht in aire-la-ville

: 4 Einträge
 Geschlossen – Öffnet heute um 08:00
Belsped AG

Bewertung 5.0 von 5 Sternen bei 1 Bewertung

Belsped AG

Silbergasse 18, 2502 Biel/Bienne
Transportation services

Transportation services and logistics solutions «Made in Switzerland». Belsped Advanced Logistics moves your goods from any place in the world to any other. Sustainable transportation services and logistics solutions «Made in Switzerland » guarantee tailor-made offers for every customer. Experienced staff at Belsped provide their in-depth market knowledge and networked thinking for the personal benefit of the customer. Moreover, long-standing business relationships with suppliers and partners allow optimal service quality. BELSKY We move your goods to any destination on the fly. Belsped Advanced Logistics offers airfreight shipments of all sizes to and from any place in the world you need. Our services include general cargo transport as well as handling of goods with special safety and cooling needs. General Cargo Consolidations Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Safe Cool BELROAD We always choose the right direction at the crossroads. Belsped provides road transportation services that fit the needs of the customer. Be it near or far, high-precision deliveries by Belsped Advanced Logistics include general cargo, express and overnight as well as complete load services. Express / Overnight General Cargo Consolidations Complete Loads Special Loads Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Safe Cool BELOCEAN For worldwide shipping there is no ocean too big . Belsped Advanced Logistics always finds the shortest way across the sea. Our services include LCL and FCL transportation as well as oversized goods. On request, our experienced staff verifies all services according to DGR. Less than Container Load (LCL) Full Container Load (FCL) Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Oversized Goods Cool BELSTOCK Pick, pack and stack: We store and deliver your goods the way you need. Belsped Advanced Logistics offers airfreight shipments of all sizes to and from any place in the world you need. Our services include general cargo transport as well as handling of goods with special safety and cooling needs. Stock Management Storage On Racks Secure Storage Pick and Pack Delivery

PremiumPremium Eintrag
Internationale TransporteSpeditionLogistikImport ExportZollagentur und Verzollung
Silbergasse 18, 2502 Biel/Bienne
Internationale TransporteSpeditionLogistikImport ExportZollagentur und Verzollung
Transportation services

Transportation services and logistics solutions «Made in Switzerland». Belsped Advanced Logistics moves your goods from any place in the world to any other. Sustainable transportation services and logistics solutions «Made in Switzerland » guarantee tailor-made offers for every customer. Experienced staff at Belsped provide their in-depth market knowledge and networked thinking for the personal benefit of the customer. Moreover, long-standing business relationships with suppliers and partners allow optimal service quality. BELSKY We move your goods to any destination on the fly. Belsped Advanced Logistics offers airfreight shipments of all sizes to and from any place in the world you need. Our services include general cargo transport as well as handling of goods with special safety and cooling needs. General Cargo Consolidations Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Safe Cool BELROAD We always choose the right direction at the crossroads. Belsped provides road transportation services that fit the needs of the customer. Be it near or far, high-precision deliveries by Belsped Advanced Logistics include general cargo, express and overnight as well as complete load services. Express / Overnight General Cargo Consolidations Complete Loads Special Loads Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Safe Cool BELOCEAN For worldwide shipping there is no ocean too big . Belsped Advanced Logistics always finds the shortest way across the sea. Our services include LCL and FCL transportation as well as oversized goods. On request, our experienced staff verifies all services according to DGR. Less than Container Load (LCL) Full Container Load (FCL) Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Oversized Goods Cool BELSTOCK Pick, pack and stack: We store and deliver your goods the way you need. Belsped Advanced Logistics offers airfreight shipments of all sizes to and from any place in the world you need. Our services include general cargo transport as well as handling of goods with special safety and cooling needs. Stock Management Storage On Racks Secure Storage Pick and Pack Delivery

Bewertung 5.0 von 5 Sternen bei 1 Bewertung

 Geschlossen – Öffnet heute um 08:00
 Geschlossen – Öffnet heute um 07:30
PremiumPremium Eintrag
Rue des Draizes 5, 2000 Neuenburg
Der Spediteur für Ihre Wertpapiere seit 1867

Seit mehr als 150 Jahren entwickeln wir weltweit sichere Transportlösungen für hochwertige Produkte wie Uhren und Schmuck. Deshalb haben wir ein einzigartiges Know-how auf diesem Gebiet entwickelt. Ob es um den Schutz, den Transport, die Abfertigung, die Lagerung oder die Verpackung geht: Wir managen die gesamte Lieferkette, um eine optimale Sicherheit für den Transport Ihrer Wertgegenstände zu gewährleisten. Unsere Kunden wissen, dass unsere Geschichte auch die Ihre ist. Und wenn diese Beziehung von Dauer ist, dann deshalb, weil sie auf Vertrauen basiert, eine unabdingbare Voraussetzung für die Ausübung unserer Spezialität. Von dort aus macht die Exzellenz unserer Dienstleistungen den Unterschied. Sicherheit, Vertraulichkeit, maßgeschneiderter Service, hohe Qualitätsstandards, operative Flexibilität, Integrität und Reputation sind in der Tat die Säulen unseres Geschäfts. Véron Grauer ist der spezialisierte Werttransportzweig der DHL Global fowarding group und profitiert daher von der Dynamik des Konzerns. Dies ist Ihre Chance, von den Vorteilen eines großen Carriers, dem Weltmarktführer in der Luftfracht, in Kombination mit den persönlichen Dienstleistungen eines kleinen Spediteurs zu profitieren.

 Geschlossen – Öffnet heute um 07:30
* Wünscht keine Werbung

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luftfracht in aire-la-ville

: 4 Einträge
 Geschlossen – Öffnet heute um 08:00
Belsped AG

Bewertung 5.0 von 5 Sternen bei 1 Bewertung

Belsped AG

Silbergasse 18, 2502 Biel/Bienne
Transportation services

Transportation services and logistics solutions «Made in Switzerland». Belsped Advanced Logistics moves your goods from any place in the world to any other. Sustainable transportation services and logistics solutions «Made in Switzerland » guarantee tailor-made offers for every customer. Experienced staff at Belsped provide their in-depth market knowledge and networked thinking for the personal benefit of the customer. Moreover, long-standing business relationships with suppliers and partners allow optimal service quality. BELSKY We move your goods to any destination on the fly. Belsped Advanced Logistics offers airfreight shipments of all sizes to and from any place in the world you need. Our services include general cargo transport as well as handling of goods with special safety and cooling needs. General Cargo Consolidations Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Safe Cool BELROAD We always choose the right direction at the crossroads. Belsped provides road transportation services that fit the needs of the customer. Be it near or far, high-precision deliveries by Belsped Advanced Logistics include general cargo, express and overnight as well as complete load services. Express / Overnight General Cargo Consolidations Complete Loads Special Loads Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Safe Cool BELOCEAN For worldwide shipping there is no ocean too big . Belsped Advanced Logistics always finds the shortest way across the sea. Our services include LCL and FCL transportation as well as oversized goods. On request, our experienced staff verifies all services according to DGR. Less than Container Load (LCL) Full Container Load (FCL) Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Oversized Goods Cool BELSTOCK Pick, pack and stack: We store and deliver your goods the way you need. Belsped Advanced Logistics offers airfreight shipments of all sizes to and from any place in the world you need. Our services include general cargo transport as well as handling of goods with special safety and cooling needs. Stock Management Storage On Racks Secure Storage Pick and Pack Delivery

PremiumPremium Eintrag
Internationale TransporteSpeditionLogistikImport ExportZollagentur und Verzollung
Silbergasse 18, 2502 Biel/Bienne
Internationale TransporteSpeditionLogistikImport ExportZollagentur und Verzollung
Transportation services

Transportation services and logistics solutions «Made in Switzerland». Belsped Advanced Logistics moves your goods from any place in the world to any other. Sustainable transportation services and logistics solutions «Made in Switzerland » guarantee tailor-made offers for every customer. Experienced staff at Belsped provide their in-depth market knowledge and networked thinking for the personal benefit of the customer. Moreover, long-standing business relationships with suppliers and partners allow optimal service quality. BELSKY We move your goods to any destination on the fly. Belsped Advanced Logistics offers airfreight shipments of all sizes to and from any place in the world you need. Our services include general cargo transport as well as handling of goods with special safety and cooling needs. General Cargo Consolidations Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Safe Cool BELROAD We always choose the right direction at the crossroads. Belsped provides road transportation services that fit the needs of the customer. Be it near or far, high-precision deliveries by Belsped Advanced Logistics include general cargo, express and overnight as well as complete load services. Express / Overnight General Cargo Consolidations Complete Loads Special Loads Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Safe Cool BELOCEAN For worldwide shipping there is no ocean too big . Belsped Advanced Logistics always finds the shortest way across the sea. Our services include LCL and FCL transportation as well as oversized goods. On request, our experienced staff verifies all services according to DGR. Less than Container Load (LCL) Full Container Load (FCL) Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Oversized Goods Cool BELSTOCK Pick, pack and stack: We store and deliver your goods the way you need. Belsped Advanced Logistics offers airfreight shipments of all sizes to and from any place in the world you need. Our services include general cargo transport as well as handling of goods with special safety and cooling needs. Stock Management Storage On Racks Secure Storage Pick and Pack Delivery

Bewertung 5.0 von 5 Sternen bei 1 Bewertung

 Geschlossen – Öffnet heute um 08:00
 Geschlossen – Öffnet heute um 07:30
PremiumPremium Eintrag
Rue des Draizes 5, 2000 Neuenburg
Der Spediteur für Ihre Wertpapiere seit 1867

Seit mehr als 150 Jahren entwickeln wir weltweit sichere Transportlösungen für hochwertige Produkte wie Uhren und Schmuck. Deshalb haben wir ein einzigartiges Know-how auf diesem Gebiet entwickelt. Ob es um den Schutz, den Transport, die Abfertigung, die Lagerung oder die Verpackung geht: Wir managen die gesamte Lieferkette, um eine optimale Sicherheit für den Transport Ihrer Wertgegenstände zu gewährleisten. Unsere Kunden wissen, dass unsere Geschichte auch die Ihre ist. Und wenn diese Beziehung von Dauer ist, dann deshalb, weil sie auf Vertrauen basiert, eine unabdingbare Voraussetzung für die Ausübung unserer Spezialität. Von dort aus macht die Exzellenz unserer Dienstleistungen den Unterschied. Sicherheit, Vertraulichkeit, maßgeschneiderter Service, hohe Qualitätsstandards, operative Flexibilität, Integrität und Reputation sind in der Tat die Säulen unseres Geschäfts. Véron Grauer ist der spezialisierte Werttransportzweig der DHL Global fowarding group und profitiert daher von der Dynamik des Konzerns. Dies ist Ihre Chance, von den Vorteilen eines großen Carriers, dem Weltmarktführer in der Luftfracht, in Kombination mit den persönlichen Dienstleistungen eines kleinen Spediteurs zu profitieren.

 Geschlossen – Öffnet heute um 07:30
* Wünscht keine Werbung